I had selected the pattern (from Sassafras Lane Designs) as my 2015 Block of the Month. I made up a block every month together with everyone that had signed up for the program. At my first show in the year, I had one block complete and another at each show thereafter. It was a bit of a running joke with my customers as the quilt progressed and they saw me at the next show!
In early 2016, I completed the quilt top and sent it off to Birgit at Black Sheep Quilting to work her magic on her longarm machine. I was really stoked when I got the quilt top back. It looked amazing.
As I actually had a finished quilt - I decided to enter it into the Sydney show - just because I could I suppose. I had no expectations other than the fact that it was bright and modern and would add some colour to the display.
I sort of forgot about it. Then I was driving to a meeting of the Sydney Modern Quilt Guild and got a phone call from The President of the QuiltNSW. Being rather obtuse, I said that I usually got the Publicity and Sponsorship person to hand out the prizes I myself donate. I really didn't get why Dale was strongly advising that I attend the presentation. It was only when I was at the SMQG meeting that the penny dropped, one of the other members had got the 'call'! I suddenly remembered I had entered a quilt in the show and perhaps it had won something. I quickly phoned Dale back and said I would attend, however, just in case I hadn't I didn't really tell anyone else.
I was thrilled to receive a Judges Commendation in the Commercially Quilted Large category. Quite an achievement for a first time entrant (and a first time paper piecer).
Paper piecing has definitely improved the precision of my quilting.
The gorgeous Scarlett Lewis (7 years) won First Place in the Junior Member A category. This is Scarlett selecting her prize at my stall.

To top it all off - got to meet Tula Pink in person and get her book signed!