On Friday afternoon, Joe and Brownie collected the frames from the NSW Quilters Guild and dropped them off at The Barn. All the husbands were roped in to assist with the manual labour. Pam L had drawn up the floor plan and ordered the frames. Thankfully we have a mathematician in our midst. Colin and Jan had extensive experience assembling the frames at various Sydney Quilt and Craft Shows - so once the frames arrived they could direct us all in the assembly. What would be a quilt show without a hitch or two as we discovered - all very quickly resolved.
Sharlene and I stayed overnight on Friday and were like 14 year old girls at a sleep over. After a couple of glasses of wine - I am not sure whether we would have heard anyone attempting to get in! Saturday night Narelle and I stayed over again and had a great evening and dinner over at the Mosman Rowers Club. We even managed to talk some of the regulars into coming to our show!

This was the first year that we had afternoon tea - freshly baked scones, jam and tea. Julie co-ordinated everything and was ably assisted by Liz and Sue M. It was definitely very successful and the tables and chairs outside The Barn looked inviting.
Fortunately, Julie remembered to call me Saturday evening to ask me to take the scones out of the freezer - needless to say I forgot and woke up at about 2am in the morning and stumbled upstairs tripping over quilt frames. Narelle meantime had been awoken by all the noise and was about to go after the 'burglars'. Back to sleep to be awoken at 8am by Anne bringing us coffee and croissants!

The winner of the viewers choice prize was Elaine Lye for her amazing Hexagon quilt which only took 17 years to complete. I think there should be a prize for sheer persistence. The viewers choice prize was sponsored by Pam Davis of Picklemouse Corner Leura. The Barn Quilters thank you.

The winners of our raffle were:
- 1st Prize - Quilt called Potting Shed - Lynley Sinclair. Lynley lives in New Zealand and kindly bought a raffle ticket when visiting the Mosman Markets.
- 2nd Prize - 10 Cremorne Orpheum Movie Tickets - Claudia M
- 3rd Prize - $50 Dymocks Book Voucher - Lionel M
Congratulations and thank you. We have raised approx. $1,200 which will be donated to Bear Cottage Manly.
The Barn is owned and managed by the 1st Mosman 1908 Scouts. We would like to thank them for allowing us to hold our show in their hall and for ensuring that the rent was affordable.
In addition a special thank you needs to be said to the Mosman Council for the grant that they gave us which allowed us to put on the show as part of the Festival of Mosman. Their publicity was amazing. We featured on their new events website, in the Mosman Daily, in the Festival of Mosman guide which was delivered to every resident in Mosman and on their facebook page. We are hoping to hold our next exhibition as part of the Festival of Mosman in October 2015.

Basketcase was a challenge set by Pam Rush for the group. She gave each of us a piece of fabric to be used in the basket and asked us each to make a block 12.5" wide. Something got lost in the translation and some of the blocks ended up being larger. Pam then took up the challenge to square them all up and make into a quilt.
Narelle then helped put together using a quilt as you go method taught to her by Monica Poole.

I loved this scrappy quilt made by Julie from a book called Sunday Morning Quilts.