My 2015 block of the month (BOM) program is Arcadia Avenue by Sassasfras Lane Designs. Some of you have already signed up and Month 1 has been sent out to everyone.

I have a confession to make, I have never done foundation piecing before. In fact I have actively avoided it. Those that know me also know that I go where others fear to tread! So when I saw this BOM on Instagram when I was following the Houston Quilt Market - I fell in love and decided this was it - so what if I hadn't a clue!
My major launch will be at the Rosehill Stitches and Craft Fair from the 5th - 8th March 2015. So there is still time to signup! In anticipation of the launch, I am making a sample myself. This was the first of 12 blocks and is called FlyAway.
I have chosen to closely follow the original colours and am using Dear Stella's Confetti Dots to achieve the rainbow look.
I couldn't have made this block without the help of some friends. Pam Rush got me started and Sue Rowles gave me a couple of pointers along the way. I discovered that a glass of wine did not help, that I was able to match the seams up way better sober. My unpicker had a bit of a work out (I am the queen of unpicking after all).