I started this mini with good intentions, but came to screeching halt when my head wouldn't do the placement. The issue was that I was using fabric that simply did not have enough contrast and it was hard to work out what should go where. A glass of wine or 2 didn't help either. I ended up unpicking that version and re-laying it out and I still wasn't happy. It lay in a basket on my sewing table looking at me for a couple of months before I decided to start again and go with my instincts with regards colour.

All I needed was to cut a couple of 1.5" strips from fabric I already sell online and viola I was ready to start again. This time I stayed off the wine and really concentrated on the placement (rather than trying to watch TV, instagram, facebook etc simultaneously) whilst quilting. Amazing what a difference it makes.
I really love the colour choice. I used to hate lilac after having a lilac carpet in my bedroom from the age of 12 until my early 20's. Now purple / lilac are 'my' colours! Grey is so in, so I choose a silver and charcoal Bella Solid to give it some interest.
I then found a remnant sized piece of wadding (mini's are the best for finally getting rid of some of them). A FQ from my stash for the backing and I was set. I decided to hand quilt the mini as I don't have any hand sewing at the moment to take around with me to groups / meetings etc. Another key factor was it's size - small enough to make hand quilting an option!
Now to start on No.3 - Mini Tiny Dancer.