The first quilt pattern sent out to everyone - was called the Mini Radio Way Quilt.

I loved making this one - I raided my stash of scraps and found a heap I had cut into 5" x 2" strips (why I have no idea). As I had to cut 2" x 1" and 3" x 1" strips, they were super easy to cut down. I just kept cutting until it looked like I had enough and launched making the blocks. Those that know me - know I usually read the pattern after I have finished making the quilt. I really enjoy unpicking!

Once the blocks were assembled, it was fun playing around and working out where I wanted them to go. Then a quick look through my stash for a backing fabric, binding and a wadding remnant and then to quilting. A couple of glasses of wine later, a lot of unpicking later - a finished mini.

Then to attach the binding. The quilt pattern called for a 1 1/4" single fold binding! Since I had never heard of such a thing - had to call on my friend Google for some assistance. I was tempted just to do the binding as per normal - but it is a sample so had to be true to the pattern and I learned something new.

Anyway, I am rather happy with the result and extremely happy to have a few less scraps lying around the house.