I am making this quilt for my niece Gina in South Africa. She was quite disappointed with the lack of progress on the quilt when I was last there in May 2012. I am going back in Nov 2012, so am really pushing to get something substantial to show her, as Jade (her sister) will be getting her completed quilt then.
Last night, I had already traced the leaves onto Vliesofix, so only need to iron onto my fabric and cut out. I then placed my finished blooms on the quilt and worked out where I wanted to put the leaves. At this point, I realised I really should make the 9 buds the pattern called for. I realised why I had put this off, as the pattern instructions died at this point and you where left to make it up as you go. This quilt is usually made in a class situation, so I suppose you would ge the missing bits filled in. In the end I managed to complete them all. Looks pretty good if I say so.
Then I had to take all the blooms and buds off the quilt and put aside. I ironed the leaves on and started hand embrodiering them again. Guess what time I finished - midnight! I can't stop when I get going.
Unsurprisingly, I woke up late this morning and immediately got onto cutting out the borders. There are two rows, one 2.5" and another of wedges (7.5"and 4.5"). Again, the instructions were somewhat sparse, but got there in the end.