Life if full of coincidences.
Yesterday, I went to my first ever meeting of the NSW Quilter's Quilt in Burwood. Whilst there, Wendy Williams from Flying Fish Kits gave a talk about how she got started designing quilts and kits.
Low and behold, in the show and tell session, she pulls out one of her quilts and it is the one that I am currently making for another of my nieces in South Africa - Gina. The name of the quilt is Big Blooms. I picked up the kit a couple of years ago at the Sydney Craft and Quilt Show from Material Obsession.
What a fantastic opportunity to look at the quilt up close (as I have only just started mine and wanted some tips) as well as to talk to Wendy in person.
Wendy was happy to let us photograph her quilt which will be an invaluable resourse when I get closer to finishing it.
For those of you quilters in NSW, I can recommend joining QuiltNSW and going along to one of their meetings. When I arrived, someone picked up that I was a newbie (looking lost seemed to have something to do with it) and teamed me up with a couple of regulars - Sally and Anne. They really made me feel at home!